Mr W

We were instructed by Mr W, from Stoke-on-Trent, following psychiatric injuries caused as a result of witnessing the immediate aftermath of an incident, when a driver lost control of his vehicle and ran down Mr W’s wife, who sustained fatal injuries.

Mr W did not sustain any physical injuries but as a result of what he witnessed, he suffered psychologically. He attempted to continue a normal life as possible, but this proved very difficult.

As a practise we were aware of, and alive to, the control mechanisms set out in the case of Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire in relation to secondary victims and we applied them accordingly.

No admission was ever made by the defendant’s insurers, but with medical evidence Browell Smith & Co were able to settle this matter ensuring Mr W did not have to endure the trauma of a lengthy legal process.

This case demonstrates the benefits of Browell Smith & Co’s experience of complex issues in relation to personal injury – in this instance, secondary victims – and being able to act independently to ensure a swift and successful outcome.

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