Claiming Compensation for Birth Injuries in England and Wales

Bringing a new life into the world is a joyous occasion, but when complications arise during pregnancy or childbirth, it can sometimes lead to devastating complications and injuries. At Browell Smith & Co Solicitors, we understand the emotional and physical impact that birth injuries can have on both the mother and child. Our specialist team is dedicated to supporting families through these difficult times, offering expert advice and home visits to ensure you receive the care and attention you need.

Understanding Birth Injuries

Birth injuries can result from various complications during pregnancy and delivery. These injuries can sometimes arise from clinical negligence, where appropriate care was not provided. Some common birth injuries include:

  • Perineal Tears: Severe tears can occur during childbirth, leading to long-term pain and complications if not properly managed.
  • Placental Abruption: A serious condition where the placenta detaches from the uterus wall before delivery, which can be life-threatening for both mother and baby if not promptly diagnosed and treated.
  • Mismanaged Gestational Complications: Conditions such as diabetes and pre-eclampsia require careful monitoring and management. Failure to do so can result in serious health issues for both mother and baby.
  • Sepsis: Sepsis is a complication of an infection – an infection that is allowed to develop. If it not treated quickly it can lead to organ failure and death.

Your Right to Compensation for Birth Injuries

If you or your child has suffered a birth injury due to clinical negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can help cover:

  • Medical Expenses: Costs associated with immediate and ongoing medical care.
  • Financial Losses: Loss of earnings due to the inability to work.
  • Future Expenses: Long-term care and support needs for your child.

How Browell Smith & Co Can Help

Our team of experienced solicitors is here to guide you through the process of claiming compensation. We offer personalised support, including home visits to ensure you feel comfortable and well-informed throughout the process. Here’s how we can assist:

1. Expert Advice

We provide expert legal advice on how best to pursue your claim, ensuring you understand your rights and options. Our goal is to make the process as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

2. Home Visits

Understanding the challenges you face, we offer home visits to discuss your case in the comfort of your own home. This ensures you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive support in a familiar environment.

3. Comprehensive Case Management

We handle all aspects of your claim, from gathering medical evidence to negotiating with insurers. Our comprehensive approach ensures that every detail is covered, giving you peace of mind.

4. Support for Future Needs

We understand that birth injuries can have long-term impacts. Our team will work to secure compensation that covers future expenses, including ongoing medical care and support needs.

Case Example: Placental Abruption

A 31-year-old mother in her first pregnancy experienced severe complications due to a delay in recognising placental abruption. Despite reporting symptoms of abdominal pain and heavy bleeding, appropriate medical intervention was delayed, leading to significant distress and injury. Through our support, the family received compensation that covered immediate medical costs, loss of earnings, and ensured provision for future care needs.

Speak to our expert Medical Negligence team today!

If you or a loved one has experienced a birth injury due to medical negligence, Browell Smith & Co Solicitors are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you in claiming the compensation you deserve.

For more information or to schedule a home visit, please call us at 0191 691 3415 or request a callback on our website. At Browell Smith & Co, we are here to help you navigate this difficult journey with compassion and expertise.

Seeking Compensation for GP Negligence in Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis – What Happens When GPs get it wrong?

Many patients have an excellent relationship with their family GP who forms the cornerstone of the primary care provided to the patient and their family.

However, when that trust is breached, consequences can be profound, especially when it comes to matters as crucial as early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Frequently we are approached to advise clients where there may have been a delay in diagnosing breast cancer by a GP.

General Practitioners (GPs) serve as the first port of call for patients seeking medical assistance. Their role is pivotal in identifying and referring patients for further investigations when symptoms warrant further specialist investigation. However, what happens when this vital link in the chain fails, leading to a delayed diagnosis of breast cancer?

Sarah’s Story – Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Imagine Sarah, a vibrant woman in her forties, who noticed a subtle change in her breast. Concerned, she promptly visited her GP, hoping for reassurance or early intervention. However, despite expressing her worries, Sarah’s GP dismissed her concerns as mere hormonal fluctuations, prescribing painkillers and advising her to monitor the situation.

Initially, Sarah was relieved that the lump was nothing to be concerned about but as weeks turned into months, and Sarah’s apprehension grew, the lump was still there and Sarah was exceptionally worried. Finally, seeking a second opinion, Sarah reached out to another Practitioner, having worried all day at work she called in at the local walk-in centre on the journey home. At the centre she saw another GP who swiftly referred her for diagnostic tests, revealing an aggressive form of breast cancer that had advanced due to the delay in diagnosis.

Sarah’s story is not uncommon. Sarah’s GP should have referred her directly to a Breast Clinic. The GP could not have safely reassured Sarah that all was well by a simple examination. Breast Clinics offer straightforward specialist investigations and support.

With a young family and facing a long period away from work whilst receiving intensive medical treatments, Sarah was advised to seek legal help.

Our team are very experienced in dealing with cases such as Sarah’s and we were able to guide her through the process of making a claim against the GP who had failed to refer her for investigations many months before.

Sarah’s case included claims for the financial losses faced by herself and her family as a result of being unable to work due to treatment that was more complex than would otherwise be the case. Sarah’s claim also included compensation for her family to take into account the possibility that her life would now be shortened because of the failure of her GP to refer her.

It was of course devastating to discover that had Sarah’s GP referred her for further investigations she would have received treatment within weeks of her attendance. In Sarah’s case, her cancer would have been less advanced and the treatment would have had a more positive outcome.

Speak to our Medically Qualified Solicitors today…

If you or your family have been affected by a similar situation our team is here to help. We have specialist and medically qualified solicitors, our initial advice is completely free of charge and confidential. Call us on 0191 691 3415 or request a callback on our website.

Cancer Diagnosis Delays – Can I Make a Claim?

Cancer UK has identified that many cancer patients experienced a delay to their diagnosis that could have been avoided. With over 360,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed each year, it is estimated that in over 155,000 of these cases, there is an avoidable delay in reaching a diagnosis.

Delayed Cancer Diagnosis

The delay in cancer diagnosis can be a result of a GP failing to refer a patient to hospital for investigation, or a hospital can be at fault by failing to carry out appropriate tests, follow up test results or to correctly report x-rays and scans.

A delayed diagnosis of cancer can mean that a person’s prospects of recovery are reduced, or the treatment that they need is more extensive than if their condition had been recognised sooner.

Whether your illness has worsened due to incorrect treatment, or your GP has failed to refer you for further investigation – our combined expertise means you’re in good hands.

We have handled many cancer compensation claims and understand the added emotional strain of a late diagnosis.

Specialist Cancer Claims Laywers

If you have received a delayed cancer diagnosis or misdiagnosis, our specialist cancer claims lawyers can support you.

Our lawyers can help you…

  • Receive an explanation
  • Get an apology
  • Secure compensation


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